So Will I

Do you have a place where you feel the closest to God? I do! Mine is definitely when I am traveling. Everything just seems so vast! The trees, the clouds, the magnitude, the beauty.

I am literally in awe every time- whether I’m on a plane or in a car. Even the thought of our ability to get from one place to another based on creations and advancements wows me. 


I almost always have music on when I’m moving about. Recently, my husband and I were making our way to Charlotte. On the way, a rendition of the song “So Will I” came on. I’ve heard this song so many times, but for some reason, they were really sticking out to me on this drive. Some of the lyrics that touched me were: 

“And as you speak, a hundred billion galaxies are born 
In the vapor of your breath the planets form 
If the stars were made to worship, so will I 
I can see your heart in everything you’ve made
Every burning star a signal fire of grace
If creation sings your praises, so will I”

Beautiful right? 

Later in the week, I was doing my devotional (spending time with God) and came across a prayer that David prayed to the people (Isrealites) as he was about to hand over being king to his son. 

He said, in 1 chronicles 29: 10-13:

“Then David blessed the Lord in the sight of all the assembly. David said, May you be blessed, Lord God of our father Israel, from eternity to eternity. Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to you. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom, and you are exalted as head over all. Riches and honor come from you, and you are the ruler of everything. Power and might are in your hand, and it is in your hand to make great and to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name.”

See, although David was in highest authority, he was bringing them back to who and what mattered. God! He didn’t boast on himself or his son. He gave the glory and praise where it belonged- with God

Then I started thinking of myself. 

Do I keep God in the place he belongs? 

To be honest, that’s sometimes a no. That may sound shocking, but I think that’s likely the answer for all of us at times. Here are a few examples of how I’ve experienced not giving God the glory that maybe you have too: 

  1. Honoring the creation or person and not the creator.

    • We are often give so many praises to people and what they do. But who put the skills, words, trades, them? God! Let’s give HIM the credit before we lean so deeply into the person

  1. Following my own advice or perhaps someone I trust/look up to

    • If we had the opportunity to sit down with the CEO of the company we work for, we likely would take every bit of advice they offer. God had laid out the best advice and guidance for us, but often we choose our own path or follow the suggestions of others before Him. He is the almighty. I think He knows best, but sometimes I still don’t follow His word or the discernment He’s placed in me. It’s great to have friends, mentors, leaders, etc. but they should never override what God tells us to do

  1. Replacing God with sayings like “the universe” or “all stars were aligned”

    • As mentioned in the song, God formed the universe and the stars so replacing His name and giving them the credit is much too small to signify God’s power, magnitude, and orchestration

Now, jumping back to David – he knew how easy it could fall into this, which is just another scheme of the enemy. In the same chapter, 1 Chronicles, in verse 18, he prayed: 

“Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our ancestors, keep this desire forever in the thoughts of the hearts of your people, and confirm their hearts toward you.”

Take some time to think today. Simply about how wonderful God is. How He created any and everything, including us. As the song says, “if the stars were made to worship, so will I”. Let’s take that approach today and everyday. 





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